As part of our work with the federal government we receive questions from our clients on how to manage federal employee viewpoint surveys (FEVS). Now that your agency has received the results from the 2019 surveys, what should they do to manage the results? We’ve developed a training program on “Responding to FEVS While Increasing Positivity and Employee Engagement”. Below are the key learning objectives for this course:
• Discuss the highlights and value of the FEVS
• Learn how to handle negative survey data
• Manage the survey results with a Seven-Step Game Plan
• Obtain tips on how to conduct conversations with employees
• Obtain tips and techniques to manage employee performance, increase employee
morale and engagement
The Bradley Partnerships (TBP) works with federal government agencies to provide by providing customized training programs. We customize our training to suit your agency’s needs. Please contact us to learn more about our 50+ training programs at or email us at