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Why You Need to Hire a Coach in 2019

For organizations going through change such as a merger/acquisition, a leader being relocated, new leadership, high-potentials, leaders who have hit a wall or recent promotions, coaching provides a one-on-one customized tutorial on leadership skills. A coach can help you develop leadership capabilities and maximize your potential. A great coach is able to ask probing questions and have the client come to the solution on their own. Our clients often refer to their executive coaching as ‘game-changing’ as it increases the effectiveness of the leader and improves both employee retention and the bottom line.

According to the International Coaching Federation (ICF), 86% of organizations saw a return on their coaching investment, and 96% of those who have been coached said they would repeat the process again.

Managers are frequently presented with employees struggling with a variety of issues. They may be struggling with low productivity or a lack of confidence. The traditional approach would be to send them to an assertiveness course and hope this addresses the issue(s). The employee may come back with new strategies that can help them to be more productive or confident. Most of the time, unfortunately, a training course will not produce a sustained increase in productivity or confidence. Although external behavior may change, it needs to be supported by true behavioral change along with their internal thought process. This is where coaching is most effective.

Effective coaching should create a fundamental shift in a manager’s approach to their work and thought process. Coaching provides an invaluable space for personal development. The coaching benefits to your organization include:

· Greater return on investment

· Increasing the bottom line

· Increasing employee engagement

· Helping to identify and develop high potentials

· Helping to identify both organizational and individual strengths and developmental opportunities

· Motivating and empowering

· Demonstrating an organization’s commitment to professional development

Manager or leader benefits include:

· Increasing engagement

· Establishing and taking action towards achieving goals

· Increasing self-awareness that increases emotional intelligence (EQ)

· Becoming more resilient

· Gaining more job and life satisfaction

· Contributing more effectively to the team and organization

· Taking greater responsibility and accountability for actions and commitments

· Learning how to work more effectively with their boss, peers, and direct reports

· Gaining a competitive edge

· Communicating more effectively

The ROI of executive coaching engagement focuses on different objectives but most importantly, the permanent behavioral changes. Coaching underscores why many organizations are calling in the coaches as a way to achieve success.

The Bradley Partnerships, Inc. provides executive coaching and is a member of the International Coaching Federation. Please check out our capabilities at Contact us at

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