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How Do Your Employees Return to Work After Covid-19 Stay at Home Orders Are Lifted?

Lois Bradley

How has your HR scope now changed?

Here at The Bradley Partnerships we have been asked by our clients what is the best way to return their employees to work, and we have developed the plans. There are procedures required now that have never been needed in the past, but are now critical for legal compliance, prevention of EEOC or other claims, and general operation of your business.

A few of the questions have been:

What happens when an employee chooses not to return to work due to, for example, having a compromised immune system from medical treatment?

What happens if an employee becomes ill in the workplace? What do you do if an employee tests positive? Do you have the correct written procedures in place to deal with the HR and infectious control issues this raises?

Are your staffing needs still the same now as before Covid-19?

Do you need to hire additional staff because of new opportunities?

We have solutions and can customize them for your unique organization’s needs. Please contact us at (724) 799-8170 or email us at We are here to help!

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