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Fostering a Culture of Inclusivity

Lois Bradley

After one year of the pandemic, our transition to a new way of work shows the majority of employees continue to work from home. We’ve learned a lot about our employees and their lives (i.e. kids, pets, etc.). Team meetings have taken on new dynamics while leaders are adapting to change. Now is the perfect opportunity to be fostering a culture of inclusivity.

What is an inclusive culture? Creating a sense of belonging for everyone, no matter the level in the organization and from all backgrounds.

What’s the goal? The goal of inclusivity is to make each member of your team feel accepted, comfortable and able to share their ideas without hesitation.

Why is this important? Your customers look for signs of inclusion in your organization. Whether it’s images on your website or how you treat your employees, both employees and your customers want to go where they feel accepted. In order to retain and engage talent, employees are expecting employers to be inclusive.

In a recent survey of 1,300 full-time employees conducted by Deloitte the resounding response was that inclusion is essential for engaging and retaining your workforce. Cultivating an inclusive culture is essential in your overall talent strategies and it needs to start at the top. It’s an intentional effort that will permeate throughout your organization. If you could focus on two to three things to create this culture what would that be? Is inclusion important enough to be a pillar or core value of your organization? How will this change of how your organization operates? How will it be measured?

Recognizing that inclusivity is essential to your organization, what’s the current state of your culture? The Bradley Partnerships, Inc. works with organizations to assess their culture and creates custom programs to make your organization more attractive to candidates, and more likely to retain and improve the quality of your existing workforce. Contact us for a complementary virtual interview with one of our experts to discuss your needs.

You can reach us at our Pittsburgh corporate office at: (724)799-8170. Or visit our website at to learn more information or email us at

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